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5 Rules To Keep In Mind During This Meal Plan To Gain Weight

A skinny person like you can be dealing with what’s called a “hard gainer”. Having hard time gaining weight might be a problem for the ones who do not know how to deal with it.

A meal plan to gain weight is essential to have on the long run, to help gain weight and maintain the amount gained.

This is not a one day guide that will lead you to another failure rate. This is a personal experience exported for you to read and take action.

This meal plan is prioritized on the number of calories in each ingredient in a meal.

These suggestions can give you, ideas to blend and make your own system.

It’s easy to follow and most who tried it reported positive results after 30 days.

5 Rules To Keep In Mind During This Meal Plan To Gain Weight

  1. 3 meals a day and 3 snack, in between.
  2. Minimum 500 extra calories to the normal dairy intake consumption. All added to the basal metabolic rate “this means 1 pound extra every week”.
  3. Contains proteins to build muscles, along with saturated fats and carbs to gain energy with curvy looks.
  4. Dense calorie meals in small portions, much better than large portion with low calories.
  5. Liquids are much preferred than solid foods.

3 Major Foods To Be Included In This Meal Plan

1. Whole Milkmilk-gain-weight-diet-plan

Most Japanese have a habit of drinking (tea, water or milk) directly after waking up each morning.

Their morning liquids are generally warm. It’s done directly after waking up, this has a scientific evidence to get rid of any current or future Headaches & body aches, during the day.

It purifies the heart system if honey was added. On top of that, one liter of whole milk is equal to 600 kcal.

Incorporation of milk in your diet can be a game changer if done constantly on daily basis (without missing a day).

Some face problem with eating disorder anorexia. There is a rule which is if you can’t eat it drink it. Since, milk contains casein protein, which is not easily absorbed but remains in the body for the longest time possible.

This is considered the most optimum. Many drink it between meals, some even drink a gallon a day!

They call this plan the “GOMAD” plan. GOMAD; Gallon of milk a day, this equates to 2600 calories extra per day! The human body needs 3500 calories to gain one pound a day.

An April 2008 research published in “Obesity” found that eating after 8 p.m. causes greater weight gain irrespective of sleep duration and pattern.

That means you could potentially gain weight by drinking milk before bed.



Never drink tea with milk based on Dr Devajit Borthakur, a scientist at India’s Tea Research Association; saying adding tea to milk is not beneficial, as tea forms complexes with milk protein, making them inaccessible to your body.

That means you get neither the weight-loss benefits of tea nor the supposed weight-gain benefits of milk.

How To Drink Milk During Your Day

  • Whenever you feel thirsty, drink milk.
  • Eat chocolates and cookies it increases desire to milk.
  • Mix it with cereal.

Benefits of Drinking Milk on Gaining Weight

pointHigh amount of calories in small amount “dense calories”
pointMilk contains protein, which helps to rebuild muscles
pointAnabolic properties and great energy source.

2. Potatoes

Potatoes_weight_french_friesIt has been said; to lose weight the number one food to keep away from is potato.

The New England Journal of Medicine, a team of Harvard researchers has revealed the results of a study of 120,877 people showing that potatoes were found to be correlated to massive contribution of weight gain.

Make potatoes your vegetable choice. A medium raw potato contains 130 to 140 calories.

The research revealed, were the biggest offender to people who seek to lose weight, each 1oz daily serving (about 15 chips and 160 calories).

Let’s be honest People generally don’t take one or two chips.

They have a whole bag. Carbohydrates are known to promote weight gain.

A large baked potato without any fixings contains about 275 calories. A medium-size bag of potato chips has 450 calories or more.

And a large serving of French fries can deliver 500 to 600 calories, close to a third of a healthy daily calorie intake for adults.

Potatoes have 22 grams of carbohydrates and negligible protein per 100 grams of potatoes.

The main weight gain benefit with potatoes is their high glycemic index.

It is comparable with white bread. Foods with high glycemic value tend to induce body fat.

Nutrition experts generally acknowledge the health benefits of potatoes.

They are good providers of potassium, fiber and vitamin C. Therefore, potatoes can be part of a healthy diet and successful in weight gain plan.



People who like potato chips and French fries often eat them with other less-than-healthy items, like hamburgers or hotdogs as well as sugary sodas and desserts.

These are a disaster to your health and your body. There are main dish recipes for potatoes you can check best potato recipes.

Benefits of Potatoes

pointPowerful source of energy

pointContains Vitamins C and B-complex, potassium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus, all excellent vitamins and minerals for your skin.

pointThe protein in potatoes contains lysine, an essential amino acid generally absent in grains.

pointVast contribution into weight gain process.

pointPotatoes are one of the richest source of potassium (I thought it was banana) and Magnesium (required for healthy heart, mental clarity and for bone health)

3. Nuts

Pile of assorted nuts close upAs the rule always says, go nuts with nuts. Nuts are particularly good for vegetarians and vegans as a source of protein.

It contains moderate amounts of protein (9–20%) and, with the sole exception of chestnuts, also contains large quantities of fat (49–74% total fat).

There are 2 types of foods that are called nutrient dense foods; nuts and raisins. According to the USDA, 1/4 cup of dry-roasted mixed nuts contains approximately 200 calories, 6 grams of protein, 17.5 grams of fat, and 8.5 grams of carbohydrates.

Nuts have small serving sizes but high calorie counts. This type of food is unique because it is more likely to be stored as body fats since they are the least “pro-metabolic” of the fats.

Nuts Weight-Loss Myth

Experts – including doctors and dietitians – have been using this Review  to say that 90% of published studies show nut consumption does not promote weight gain.

In fact, zero percent of these studies show nut consumption does not promote weight gain.

And that’s why the Review authors were forced to state as the finding of the Review that, “when nuts were added to an existing diet without controlling for energy intake, body weight increased…”

Benefits of Nuts

pointHealth-promoting fats that help regulate blood cholesterol.
pointAntioxidant vitamins and minerals.
pointRich in the amino acid arginine. Arginine is used by the body to make nitric oxide, a gas that has been shown to reduce the metabolic rate. Means more fat stored less fat burned.

4 Important Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting A Meal Gain Weight Plan

1)      How much the portion size?

There are certain foods that can be served in a plate equal same amount of proteins, comparing it with different type of food served in a table spoon.

Therefore, the amount of benefits of; Proteins, carbs and fats – must be taken into consideration prior to consumption.

2)      What about the calories?

This is simple math, the more calories in— the fewer calories out, leads to gaining weight.

There are 3500 calories in one pound. Normal human body burns 2000 to 2500 calories on average.

3)      How much will it cost me?

Let’s be honest, we do not want a meal plan that is over budget.

Plus, prioritizing cheap common products then if did not work we go for the next less cheap and so on.

4)      Is it Time Consuming?

Most of us are really busy with life. We have various goals with stuffed up schedule.

So, we simply want something handy and reliable.

Therefore, I always neglect this so-called the ideal weight gain diet plan.

The ideal never works for us. Believe me, been there done that.

Food Ingredients should be included every day for 30 Days:

  • Full-cream milk: 750 – 1000 ml (3 to 4 cups) Required.
  • Meat, fish, eggs and other protein foods: 3-5 servings (90 to 150 g) Required.
  • Bread, potatoes and cereals: 8-12 servings (e.g. up to 6 cups of starch a day)Required.
  • Fruit and vegetables: 3-5 servingsRequired.
  • Fats and oils: 90 g (6 tablespoons)Required.

5,794 calories a day Meal Plan

As I said earlier, your body needs 3500 extra to gain a one pound.

Doing this extensive meal plan on daily basis for 30 days will get you to reach 25 lbs in that approximate amount of time.

This is a difficult challenge and not anyone qualified for it.


If you have noticed this weight gain meal plan contains more carbohydrates than proteins.

This is very organic and healthy.

Though, we do not want to get too fat, as most carb absorbed and stored as body fat.

Your modification is quite welcomed as long as you have more than 5000 calories in your diet plan.

What Is The Importance Of Supplements?

Weight gain supplements like D-bal (used to be named Dbol) can be useful to overcome common weight gain challenges; fast metabolism, low lean mass and low appetite.

#1 Recommended Weight Gainer (Powerful Bulking) + 100% Safe

Use: For rapid muscle gains, increased strength and kick-starting bulking cycles.

Description: Pharmaceutical grade anabolic supplement formulated to mimic methandrostenolone (Dianabol).

Benefits of D-Bal (Massive Bulking Supplement)

-Essential nutrient for muscle growth and repair while enhancing muscle hypertrophy.

-Quickly absorbed in the body leading to faster mechanism of action (more bulking)

-Increasing endurance levels and muscle recovery.

-Enhances performance by supplying energy under stress, preserving lean mass and muscle glycogen

-Visible Results in 30 days


There Are 5 Guidelines To Do Prior Buying Any Weight Gain Supplement

  1. Research Ingredients
  2. Read Customer’s Feedback “if found”
  3. Look For A Money Back Guarantee
  4. Take As Recommended
  5. Do Not Over Dose
About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.

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