Clenbuterol Sopharma was meant to be a powerful bronchodilator and was mainly prescribed to asthma patients and still do. It is widely known as Clenbuterol Hydrochloride. Bodybuilders & weight loss seekers got hooked on its thermogenic benefits.
Many posted their results online on Clen Sopharma impact on metabolism and how it enhanced it greatly. Bodybuilders loved its anabolic properties in preserving the lean muscle and not interfering with muscle growth. (1)
On the other hand, Clen form Crazy bulk has been launched since 2012 and it became most bodybuilders favorite supplement. Not only because it improves muscle fat ratio & boost fat metabolism. But the main reason is that it can be easily purchased from any part of the world. Without the hassle of confiscated from customs (like Sepharma brand).
The reason behind that, Clen Sopharma has been banned for most countries (USA, Europe, Australia and many others) and it became incredibly impossible to order Clen online.
Most customers report not receiving Clen Sopharma and it became frustrating.
I would like to shed lights on both brands, what to expect, how they work, dosage, price and shipping.
Table Of Contents
What is Clenbuterol Sopharma?
Sopharma is a reputable Blugarian pharmaceutical company with a really good reputation in providing high quality Clen pills. It’s popularity started in the same region and many companies evolved based on selling fake Clen pills under Sopharma name.
Thus, it became incredibly difficult to find a legit supplier of the real Sopharma. On top of that the legal restriction imposed by countries like UK, USA, Australia, Canada & many more.
The sad part, most of the website you see once you search for “Clenbuterol Sopharma” is fake and it is not the real tabs. And I personally not sure what is in these pills they are selling under Sopharma.
Sopharma is mainly promoting itself in Bulgaria and Eastern Europe and don’t really ship overseas.
If you already bought a Clen Sopharma, Your Tab Should be Like This:
I have found many Mexican, Indian and Chinese online shops selling Sopharma Clen. Honestly, 90% of them sell the fake one and ofcourse it says 100% real guarantee with all the (Bulls**t).
What About Clenbuterol Crazy bulk, Is It Fake Or Real?
Clenbuterol From Crazy bulk is much easier to get online. Their website is functioning worldwide with different translations (Spanish, Italian, German & Portuguese)
You might find fake products sold on Alibaba, Craigs or eBay that can be Crazy bulk Clen Fake. Thus, it is highly advisable to only purchase from their official website.
Here is What The Real Crazybulk Clen Should Look Like:
You need to be aware that once you spot a Clen either Crazybulk or Sopharma at very low price. It is definitely the fake one and it is advisable to report the vendor to help other bodybuilders be aware.
Clenbuterol Sopharma Properties & Chemical Characteristics
Clenbuterol Sopharma mechanism triggers the sympathomimetic nervous system. This drug is laser targeting one receptor in the body called Beta-2 receptor. (2)
Due to this mechanism, many feel their breathing starts to improve straight away after the first dose. Especially for the ones dealing with obstructed breathing.
It also plays a large role in heating the body through boosting metabolic rate. Thus burning more calories and generates a great deal of weight loss.
However, I have found many bodybuilders were under the impression that Clen Sopharma targets fat cells and literally remove fats. That’s not true with Sopharma.
You might witness for the first week Clenbuterol side-effects; Jitters, shakiness, headache, insomnia. It should be mild and not severe. If you can’t tolerate, you have to stop immediately.
Clenbuterol Crazybulk: Mechanism & New Formula
Basically, it does most what Sopharma brand do in terms of mechanism of action. However, after Crazy bulk new formula. It led to an interesting approach in Fat oxidization. (3)
This is considered a whistleblower in the fat burning industry.
It is commonly known when planning to cut down you need to be calorie deficit, which is true. However, the amount of chemical reaction that takes place in our body is vast.
The most important process for us is metabolizing fat to energy.
when we use the energy we say that we are burning calories. In a molecular sense, this is true, but it’s not quite how we imagine burning to be. It’s simply a set of chemical transformations.
Clenbuterol Crazbulk plays a major role in enhancing these metabolic reactions. Enhancing the production of ATP. It can give you a little control over your lipids. (4)
Some people dealing with stubborn fats have issues with fat oxidation;
Without the fat oxidation process, fat molecules would stay in their larger form. The larger molecules can’t be used as energy by the body, so, they just stack up.
They provide some insulation, but that’s about all. So, fat oxidation is extremely important, if we want to function on a daily basis.
The Anabolic Effect of Both Brands
Sopharma and Crazy bulk have similar anabolic properties, which are minor. Many debated that Clen has the ability to create lean muscle mass. However, that not true and there is no evidence to support this.
The mechanism of both, does not affect muscle mass during the basal metabolic rate boost. It targets body fats and metabolized it.
Thus, Clenbuterol is not classified under steroids and not considered one. It is a cutting & fat shredding substance.
As a result, Clenbuterol should only be used for weight loss and improved breathing purposes. However, many bodybuilders prefer to stack Clenbuterol with other supplements for muscle growth during the cutting process.
Benefits Of Clenbuterol For Men & Women:
It maintains protein synthesis that is ideal for the development of muscles while losing weight.
It gets rid of an extra load of stubborn fats in your body. However, fat reduction properties may be stronger in Clen from Crazy bulk.
Powerful thermogenesis property which leads to an increase in metabolic rate.
It enhances cardiovascular efficiency and endurance.
Dosing on Clenbuterol Sophorma and Crazybulk
Sopharma Clenbuterol tablets usually is provided into two forms of packaging, 50 or 100 tabs of 0.02 mg (20 mcg) per pill.
Thus, I recommend to use it this way:
day 1 & 2 – 40mcg
day 3 & 4 – 60mcg
day 5 & 6 – 80mcg
day 7 & 8 – 100mcg
Stay on 100mcg until day 14 then stop for 14 days. And Then start up again the same way.
Crazy bulk Clenbuterol tablets come in one bottle form and are 90 capsules.
Serving Size: 3 capsules per day
Servings per Bottle: 90
Recommended Use: Take three (3) capsules with water approximately 45 minutes before your workout. Use with a suitable diet and exercise programme. For best results, use for a minimum of 2 months.
Recommended workout period: 2 months on and 1.5 weeks off.
Pricing of Clenbuterol Sophorma and Crazy Bulk
The average price for Sopharma is between $30 – 40 USD for a package of 50 tablets.
You can expect to pay $60 – 80 USD for a pack of 100 tablets online.
If you came across a reliable Sopharma vendor, they will warn you that is not permitted to export to UK, Australia, USA, Spain, and Canada. Some countries in allow it and it’s is decline.
The exact price for Crazy bulk Clen is $61.99 USD / 52.99 Euros for one bottle which lasts for 30 days.
It provides Free World Wide Shipping, which means you don’t need to think about any more fees.
You can buy original Crazybulk Clen From
And Thanks to its new formula it can be shipped to UK, Australia, USA, Spain & Canada.
These are users who tried Crazybulk Clen brand and posted their before and after results
It can be a daunting experience searching for the right supplement for cutting and fat shredding. However, Clen definitely does the job perfectly.
A vast amount of fake Clenbuterol made it almost impossible to get it. On top of that, the ban of Sopharma Clenbuterol from major countries. So far the only brand that can be bought online is Crazybulk and it is effective.