The bodybuilder community loves Clenbuterol for its massive effect on fat loss and muscle mass preservation. It’s not an easy task to pursue cutting.
Many have hard time cutting. And Clen was one of the best drugs that actually boosted the cutting process and made it much easier.
However, there have been concerns about Clen negative effects and its impact on male fertility and sperm count.
Redefining physical appearance is vital but if it comes making the user infertile or even sexual dysfunction then forget it.
Plus any damage to Men fertility can be permanent!
There are currently no fertility drugs that can cure oligospermia (low sperm concentration) for men.
Thus, I have done an incredible amount of research to reach a sound conclusion regarding Clen and infertility relation.
The question is: Is Clenbuterol make men infertile and affect us negatively?
Understanding the mechanism of Clenbuterol will give us an idea of what we are dealing with.
This drug has the ability to enhance your CNS (Central Nervous System). Thus, leading to a rise in your body temperature. This often leads to fat loss.
So far this is great and has no effect on fertility what’s so ever.
However, Clen also enhances the body’s production of hormones called “catabolic hormones”, which includes; dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. These hormones stimulate the conversion of calories and fat into heat (which of course leads to fat loss)
These hormones are released from adrenal glands. When it comes to fertility, the cortex part of the adrenal gland releases androgens. These androgens include DHEA, Testosterone, Androstenedione.
Injectable Clenbuterol can cause a great amount of stress on the adrenals. If this stress prolonged for a certain period of time the hormone production will decline. The adrenal mechanism will be sluggish. Thus leading to hormonal imbalance.
Conclusion: Stay away from Injectable Clenbuterol as it might lead to permanent infertility if used slightly in a wrong way. One mistake can have a long-lasting damage.
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Why do I recommend Clenbuterol (tablet form)?
Using Clenbuterol tablet form might have a slower effect compared to the injectables. But it’s much safer, easier to take and still effective.
This supplement has and will always be one of the best choices to hardcore cutters. However, it’s vital to know which brand is best and what form should you go for.
Clenbuterol from Crazybulk always stands out to be the best for serious cutters who play it safe and not risking infertility or sperm reduction.
It’s 100% safe and effective.
No side-effects
High performance in 30 days
Muscle mass (maintained and not lost)
Premium Quality of Ingredients
Can be shipped anywhere (100% legal)