Ambroxol Clenbuterol is one of the most popular cutting drug in Venezuela, Peru, Mexico & Recently the USA. This drug is a mixture of two separate ingredients that used to cure respiratory-related disorders.
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What is Ambroxol?
Ambroxol is a mucolytic agent. It tackles the sputum, making it less viscous and thinner, thus easily expelled through coughing.
This drug is indicated for mucus clearance, facilitates expectoration and eases a productive cough, allowing patients to breathe freely and deeply. (1)
Why is Amboroxl related to Bodybuilding?
First of all, I have done tons of research to understand why it’s common among Latino bodybuilders and surprisingly. All I got with from a study that I can conclude: (2)
Mice gained weight after taking Ambroxol… similar effects have not been noted in human studies to my knowledge. This study was good reading but didn’t indicate any bodybuidling applications for this drug.
The term Ambroxol Clenbuterol first came in the bodybuilding industry, from some bodybuilders mix 40 mg of Clenbuterol hydrochloride with 60 mg Ambroxol hydrochloride to make a sensitive drug that will have a good slimming effect on the body.
Commercial Name on The Market
This mixture is found commercially under the name Ebromin-P
The worrying part about this:
It’s mainly designed for Veterinary use.
And it’s indications listed are
indicated for the management of horses affected with airway obstruction, such as occurs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Is it safe for bodybuilders?
I personally do not recommend Ambroxol Clenbuterol simply because most of the commercial products out there are designed for animal use. The side-effects are effect unknown.
What is Clenbuterol?
Clenbuterol has been one of the leading drugs for fat shredding in the weight loss industry.
Bodybuilders often turn to Clenbuterol, for hardcore cutting.
Unfortunately, most of the Clenbuterol brands are banned from USA, but can easily be found in Latin America.
There has been one brand that reformulated itself and still powerful and effective. Named Crazybulk. It is not approved by the FDA but still, you can buy online and have it shipped in a few days.
You Can Buy The Original Clenbuterol Online From 👉 HERE

Clenbuterol Uses
This drug was initially intended to cure asthma patients by relaxing the smooth linings of the lungs and dilating it. It’s is classified as a sympathomimetic amine.
It was accidentally found that when taking Clenbuterol it acts as a powerful stimulant and enhances fat loss in the body.
Although this was not approved by any reputable authority. However, the bodybuilder community almost agrees on the powerful fat burning benefits of Clenbuterol.
Clenbuterol Mechanism of Action
There is always a reason behind why Clenbuterol works in shredding fats while other similar drugs do not.
Clen binds with adrenergic receptors, these receptors are responsible for releasing adenyl cyclase, an enzyme that converts ATP to cAMP.
This cAMP boosts the behavior of the cellular activity. Thus more creation of energy and metabolism. (3)
It can skyrocket metabolism and varies from person to another.
Why Clenbuterol Ambroxol Mixed together?
After understanding the mechanism of both, it will resonate with you that both drugs are focused on respiratory-related troubles.
Many thought, since Ambroxol is basically indicated for the same patients of Clenbuterol.
Combining them will skyrocket the fat loss mechanism.
Unfortunately, that is far from the truth. The only mechanism that proven to boost mechanism if Clenbuterol.
Both drugs are combined because it can help is severe cases in airway obstruction and that’s it. It has not been related to boosting anything regarding metabolism.
Other Myth: It has been argued that Ambroxol lowers the appetite. That is also not true.
Perhaps lowering appetite can be felt by some patients and it comes with rest of side-effects (Nausea, Diarrhea, itching, etc) and it must be stopped immediately and not to be consumed.
Expected Clenbuterol Ambroxol Bodybuilding Results
Any result you will achieve with Clenbuterol Ambroxol is as good as achieving it with Clenbuterol. There will be zero difference.
The ability of Clenbuterol in giving you a significant edge in weight loss can be achieved with the right diet and workouts.
Many bodybuilders reported using 8 lbs of fats in a few weeks. However, if you have a competition coming up or a big event. It’s advisable to start using Clenbuterol two month before.
It is typical for people to ignore the health risks and negative consequences and overstate the potential benefits. Thus, I would like to shed the lights on Clenbuterol side-effects.
Side Effects of Ambroxol Clenbuterol
As mentioned before, if you decide to use both combinations of drugs (Ambroxol + Clenbuterol) for weight loss, beware that you will be just adding extra side-effects from Ambroxol without any benefit.
Ambroxol Side effects:
- Digestive problems and disorders
- Development of allergies
- Stevens Johnson syndrome – this is a serious skin disorder that can be life-threatening for some.
- Nausea, sometimes accompanied with vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
Clenbuterol Side Effects
It is expected that you will have the following side-effects once you go overdose. Higher doses will impact your nervous system which might lead to:
- Jitteriness or shakiness. Tremors in the hands may be noted.
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Headaches
- Increased sense of anxiousness
Ambroxol Clenbuterol Dosage Recommendations
When it comes to dosing it is a very sensitive matter.
Both drugs tend to be purchased separately as many bodybuilders prefer to do the stacking manually to avoid overdosing.
Starting with Clenbuterol it is often preferred to start at 20 mcg daily. Some exceed those recommendations, dosing themselves in a range from 80 mcg daily to 160 mcg daily. But this always comes with the cost of unwanted side-effects.
There are some Clenbuterol brands provides the whole formula in tablets and advises to not exceed 3 tablets a day (This is highly recommended for beginners or first timers)
As for Ambroxol comes in a variety of forms: tablets, spray, and syrup. The recommended dosage th often bodybuilders go for is:
- 30 mg/5 mL syrup (two teaspoons or 10ml every 12 hours)
- 30 mg tablets (10mg to 30mg three times (3x) daily following meals)
The manufacturer of Ambroxol recommends that patients not use Ambroxol for more than seven days.
However, again I would like to point out that stacking Clenbuterol with Ambroxol is useless and what of time and money.
If you are interested in stacking I have written a well-researched article on;
Where To Buy Clenbuterol & Ambroxol?
Both are not simply found in Pharmacies in US. Only a few prescribed brands and must be acquired through a doctor’s prescription.
There is always the black market which I definitely against it. You never know what you are purchasing. The inside can be different from the outside label. It’s a high-risk purchase.
I would definitely recommend giving Crazbulk Clenbuterol a try. It’s legal to buy online and have it shipped in a few days. Their formula is quite interesting and gives the shredding results.
You Can Buy The Original Clenbuterol Online From 👉 HERE
Serving Size: 3 capsules per day
Servings per Bottle: 30
Recommended Use: Take three (3) capsules with water approximately 45 minutes before your workout. Use with a suitable diet and exercise programme. For best results, use for a minimum of 2 months.
Recommended workout period: 2 months on and 1.5 weeks off.
Not toxic to the liver or kidneys.
If planning to get ripped fast and want to enhance the process I advise to stack Clenbuterol with Winstrol.
This will make sure any weight gain you get, will be lean body mass and not fat or water retention.
Winstrol is a great combination simply because of its vascularity enhancement and have a low testosterone-estrogen conversion. Thus, it will make sure you never develop a gyno while enhancing your muscle mass.
Some users often take Clenbuterol in a cutting stack with other anabolic steroids including trenbolone, testosterone, HGH or Dianabol.
- Clenbuterol and Testo-Max
- Clen and Anvarol
- Clen and Winstrol (Winstrol)