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Can Clen Give a False Positive in Drug Test? What about T3, ECA?

For many bodybuilders, athletics and individuals who are on a fat loss/cutting cycle. Clen, ECA & T3 drug test is really vital & not sure what could be the results while on these drugs.

Drug tests can take place for various reasons. Most job interviewees are required to take the test and the whole acceptance might actually rely on it.

This is rare, but whoever gets involved in an accident the insurance company might require you to undergo certain drug testing to verify if your body is clear from drugs.

There is an occasional drug test for employees from time to time.

Now the question is are you prepared for all of this kind of unexpected drug tests?

What if you are just on Clenbuterol for the sake of fat burning?

Would it show false positive? And how much you explain your situation you might lose your job for this?

Can Clenbuterol Cause False Positive in Your Drug Test?

The common drug test is often focused on illegal drugs (according to each country’s regulation).

When you need to know is that a blood test calculates the number of drugs and alcohol percentage at the time the blood sample is taken.

These are the following drugs that are looked at: Cocaine, marijuana, amphetamines, opiates, nicotine, and alcohol.

If you are on the Liquid Clenbuterol, it is a beta-2 agonist and won’t show on a normal drug screening.

However, if they are so inclined it can be tested for specifically, but there’d be no reason to do that unless you say “Hey, I take Clen” and they realize you’ve never been diagnosed with asthma, COPD, or some other type of respiratory problem.

Clen’s half-life is 48hrs, so if you haven’t taken it in a few days you’ll be fine. And the drug test will be negative.

Even if you want to be extra careful then as I mentioned. Just don’t use Clenbuterol 2 days ahead.

There is another test that is often used, a mouth swab drug test, or saliva test, it involves collecting the fluid from the inner part of the cheek.

Due to the swiftness of this test, it is more popular and in this test, it will be impossible to find Clenbuterol in this kind of test.


What About Ephedra, ECA & T3?

The same rule applies to all three. And actually, they are less potent than Clenbuterol, which means what applies on Clen will definitely apply for these.

However, some members did post several times that they got false positive and they freaked out.

Freaking out is not the best way to handle your drug test in front of your employer. Your employer might not understand all of these terms; ECA, T3, Clen..etc.

They might consider it as drugs even if you explained they are just performance enhancers and fat burners.

What To Do When You Get a False Positive While on Clen?

A false positive drug testing can have a radical impact on loss of employment, withdrawn from sports competition, inappropriate medical care or even jail time.

It is serious and damaging and must be handled in a smart manner.

However, it is vital for you to know that there are a False-positive drug test results have been reported in multiple drug classes. Some of the more common classes include:

  • Antihistamines
  • Antidepressants
  • Antibiotics
  • Analgesics
  • Antipsychotics
  • Decongestants


Always play it safe, false positives are the worst and you don’t want to experience that. So even if you are on ECA, Clenbuterol, T3. Stop it 48 hours before any kind of drug test.

About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.

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