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Phen375 Vs Lipo 6x (Extreme) - Lipo 6 User Reviews

Phen375 Vs Lipo 6x (Extreme) – Lipo 6 User Reviews

First thing that comes to my mind when talking about Lipo 6x. This product got the “Best Fat burner of the year” in 2005, 2006 & 2007 at

It continues to be, among the people who are seeking to shed of pounds. 3 main things you experience once starting to use this product; appetite suppression, noticeable effect on weight loss first week & improving muscle mass.

But these same experiences can be found also with Phen375 that was the leading fat burner in 2013 & its reorder rates are up to the roof simply because it works.

Comparing between Phen375 and Lipo6x is considered essential to understand the pros and cons for each product and decide which is suitable and more reliable to your health and body. Hope you make a smart decision.

Comparison Between Phen375 vs Lipo 6




Lipo 6x

Lipo 6 User Reviews

Clinical StudiesPill_Clinical_Studies
  • Reduce appetite. (reducing snacks and food cravings).
  • Stimulates energy.
  • Aids in Osteoporosis & improve bone density (calcium ingredient).
  • Anti-depressive aids (regulates hormonal imbalance).
  • Satisfactory results in weight loss (3-5) lbs. per week.


  • Increasing energy level while suppressing appetite.
  • Helps in boosting metabolism
  • Increasing mental alertness and physical energy
  • Acting as an antioxidant.
  • 5-10 lbs. per month
Side effects/ DrawbacksPill_Side_effects 2014None (RARE; Mild Headache) Worst-fatburner-reviewssudden rush of anxiety and nausea grip my stomach (remains temporarily the first 30 minutes after taking the pill)
  • Under 18 years old
  • Sensitive to caffeine
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • High blood pressure



  • Under 18 years old
  • Sensitive to caffeine
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Thyroid disease
  • Depression or other Psychiatric condition
  • Renal disease
  • Asthma or are taking asthma medication
Money Back GuaranteeMoneyBackGurantee 2014Yes (30 days) 2014Yes (30 days)
Prescription Required 2014No 2014No
Appetite Suppressant 2014Yes “Very Powerful” 2014Yes “Very Powerful”
Weight Loss Effect 20143-5 lbs. per week Worst-fatburner-reviews5 – 10 lbs per month
User Reviewstestimonials_&_user_reviews 2014Excellent Reviews Worst-fatburner-reviewsModerate Reviews (due to its side effects) – Check Reviews below
Reorder Rate 2014High Worst-fatburner-reviewsLow
AvailabilityPill_Availability 2014Only Available online at the official phen375 website 2014Available at Amazon, eBay, Wal-Mart and many other retail suppliers. Also can be found at some pharmacies.
Price Worst-fatburner-reviews65.99 USD 201439.99 USD
Order NowOrder-Pills-Now Official Website Amazon Direct Link

Lipo 6x Reviews “Scientific & User Based”

Lipo_6_Back_IngredientsThis product is mainly categorized under “Fat burners” or “thermogenics”; plays a main rule in increasing metabolism and energy parallel with reducing the effect of food craving “appetite suppression”.

This product is unique simply because it’s not a copycat comparing it to all over the counter diet pills.

Simply it contains ingredients that play a role in providing a synergetic effect in weight loss.

Nutrex Company, the manufacturers of lipo 6x would not like to hurt their brand name by producing a not working diet pill. So they provided high-quality expensive ingredients that can aid in weight loss.

Lipo 6x Secret Formula “Ingredients”

2014Synephrine: is a fat loss aid, increase metabolism and becomes more active & works better with caffeine (included in ingredients) providing the maximum effect.

2014Guggulsterones: it has a short name called “Guggul” this is a herbal compound extracted from Indian plants. It supports thyroid function. Since caffeine has drawbacks on affects thyroid gland functionality so this herbal ingredient stops any negative effect on thyroid functions.

2014Yohimbine HCL: It increases the number of fats burned during the process of any activity “exercise”

2014Bioperine: is what makes all these previous three ingredients work to the maximum by that I mean it helps the absorption of these components to avoid any discard from the body to these ingredients making it much effective.

Does Lipo 6x Work?


Yes, of course or it wouldn’t be listed as the “best fat burner of the year” in 2005 till 2007. However, it differs from person to other. In the amount of weight loss & the adverse side effects of this product.

Lipo 6 Side-effects “Between Moderate & Severe”

Lipo-6-Increase-Heart-RateThis product has a main drawback and it’s up to you to decide whether to cope with something like this or not.

Many discontinued the use of this product immediately.

After experiencing, a noticeable increase in their heartbeats along with sudden anxiety.

However, these symptoms may last from 30 – 1-hour maximum and go away in the first week of using this pill. Moreover, if these symptoms remained much longer stop taking it and consult your doctor.

Manufacturer’s Directions

  • When Using Nutrex Lipo 6 for Fat Loss: Take 2 liqui-caps 30 minutes before breakfast or morning workout and 2 more liqui-caps in the afternoon.
  • When Using Nutrex Lipo 6 for Extreme Fat Loss: Take 2 liqui-caps 3 times daily 30 minutes before a meal. Do not exceed 6 liqui-caps per day. Do not take within 6 hours of sleep.
  • When using Nutrex Lipo 6 for increased Energy: Take 2 liqui-caps 30 minutes prior to working out.

User Testimonials and Reviews on Lipo 6x “Amazon & MNT” – Click to Enlarge






 Phen375 VS Lipo 6x – Bottom Line

It’s very obvious that Lipo6 is considered great regarding it’s price, quality of ingredients and fat burning results.

However, the side-effects of this product are quite questionable as many can’t cope with bad effects during their day time decreasing their productivity at work & making them away from their comfort zone all the time.

Phen375 has 2x weight loss & fat burning effect of Lipo6. Yes, it’s 2.5x expensive than Lipo 6 regarding the price. But safety is worth every penny. Stay safe and lose weight is much better than being in constant struggling with side effects while losing weight.

You can check Phen375 user review to learn more about it. Hope you have a successful weight loss journey with noticeable results.

About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.

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