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User Review on Male Extra Before and AFter

Male Extra: My Personal Review

Male Extra is a male enhancement supplement designed to give men harder, longer lasting erections to increase sexual pleasure. It features natural and safe ingredients that are backed by extensive scientific research for ultimate results.

Male Extra is simply designed for the ones dealing with ejaculation disorders, erectile dysfunction, inhibited sexual desire or simply just want to boost the sexual experience to the next level.

Powerful Erection With Male Extra

The Erection Hardness Score (EHS) can be a helpful tool to evaluate your erection and have self assessment. It is always essential to be aware of your erection hardness score level, Male Extra mission is to get you to fully erect stage 4 for long period of time. 

Erection Hardness Score Better With MAle Extra

Expected Benefits of Using Male Extra

YummyLooksReviving your libido and increase sexual desire with natural ingredients.

YummyLooksA long lasting rigid tool that will get the job done in complete satisfaction.

YummyLooksIncrease blood flow to the penis. So if you’re not getting a firm erection on your own, these can help you hit your peak penis length.

YummyLooksA powerful health tweak to have the biggest and hardest penis that’s physically possible for you, and all naturally (chemicals free)

Does Male Extra really work?

The ingredients in Male Extra are backed by scientific studies that prove their efficacy. Combined, it’s no wonder that Male Extra makes for a very potent male enhancement supplement. In fact, reports show that men taking Male Extra three times per day had an increase in penis size varying 0.8″ to 2.6″ inches over the course of 3 to 6 months. The results speak for themselves—Male Extra works.




Male Extra Top Features & Ingredients


1_redL-Arginine HCL 600mg

L-Arginine is an amino acid that the human body converts to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is crucial to maintaining a large, healthy erection. It works by dilating blood vessels to increase blood flow to the penis. As anyone knows, good blood flow is essential to getting a good erection. But Nitric oxide does more than that. It also increases the oxygen in your cells, literally strengthening your penis at the cellular level to maximize your results.

2_greenPomegranate 40% Ellagic Acid 500mg

Studies have shown that pomegranate juice increases blood flow while reducing fatigue. Naturally, increased blood flow is an ideal for harder erections, but the decrease in fatigue is the truly astounding benefit of pomegranate. After all, what is the good of blood flow without stamina? The stamina this pomegranate extract provides will keep you going and ready for round two (and three).

3_blueNiacin 18mg (Vitamin B3)

Niacin not only expands blood vessels, but it also allows them to relax, promoting blood flow. Like pomegranate, it also reduces fatigue. Dilated blood vessels give your cells more oxygen, upping the stamina factor.

1_redZinc (Citrate) 14mg

Zinc is one of the most crucial ingredients to better sexual health in men. Studies show that men low on zinc have way less testosterone than those getting enough zinc. A lack of zinc is unhealthy for anyone, but in men it can decrease libido. However, the addition of zinc increases libido; desire and readiness are the most natural ways to promote a strong erection, making zinc a vital component of Male Extra.

2_greenL-Methionine 100mg

L-Methionine is an amino acid that fights against histamine production. When you hear about histamine, you’re probably thinking allergies, and while histamine is produced during an allergy attack, there’s more to it than allergies. Histamine is a hormone that promotes climax. While it might be great for those who need help in that department to have a quicker climax, it’s not ideal for those who want to make sex last longer and feel better. Reducing histamine will knock down premature ejaculation, giving you a longer, more satisfying sex session for you and your partner.

3_blueMSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) 100mg

If you’re into supplements, you’ve probably heard of MSM before. It has a lot of uses, but did you know it can help your penis stay hard? It works like this: the sulfur in MSM supports cellular and tissue health as well as blood flow. So, you get better blood flow, but you also get improved health on the cellular level. This gives that increased blood flow better cells to operate within, keeping you hard and satisfied.

4_yellowCordyceps 25mg

Cordyceps has been known to traditional Chinese medicine practitioners since ancient times for its aphrodisiacal properties. In modern times, researchers have discovered this fungus contains compounds that really do promote sexual desire. A strong libido is essential to getting hard and staying hard. It’s no wonder that this ingredient promotes sexual health and the ultimate erection.

The Pros And Cons of Using Male Extra on Daily Basis

The Pros

Male_Extra_Money_Back_GuaranteeThe benefits of Male Extra can’t be understated when you look at what it has done for men the world over. If you try Male Extra, some of the benefits you can expect to receive are:

  • prosIncreased blood flow to the penis
  • prosBigger penis size
  • prosBetter cellular health in your penis
  • prosHarder erections
  • prosLonger lasting erections
  • prosStronger libido
  • prosGreater pleasure during sex
  • prosYour better erection ups your partner’s pleasure too
  • prosSome ingredients in Male Extra (like zinc) promote better general health, too, which is always great for your sex life

The Cons

While Male Extra has a lot of great benefits that any man would be pleased with, there are some things to consider:

  • Although you can expect a larger erection, it will take time (average 2 to 4 weeks) to achieve that
  • You have to take it three times every day, but that’s a small price to pay for better sex
  • You must keep taking it to keep getting the benefits from Male Extra, but it’s that way with any supplement you take


Comparing Male Extra with Other Male Enhancement Pills on The Market


What do people say about Male Extra?

Here is Justin experience with Male extra shared in a video:

Real people have seen real results with Male Extra. Here are a few of their stories:

“My wife and I were going on our second honeymoon for our thirtieth anniversary, and I wanted to surprise her with something special. Our sex life is now better than it was when we were newlyweds and it’s all thanks to taking Male Extra.” – Jeff from Ohio

“I noticed that my boyfriend’s erection was getting bigger and bigger. At first, I thought it was just in my mind. I didn’t question it, because the sex was amazing. But then I finally broke down and asked him how he was doing it. ‘Male Extra’ was his sheepish reply. He thought I wouldn’t understand his decision to take a male enhancement supplement, but I put his mind to rest immediately. I told him he was the best sex I’d ever had in my life—and I meant it.” – Lorena from Florida

“I’ve always had an active sex life, but I just had this feeling all along that it could be better somehow. I heard about Male Extra and I thought I would give it a try. Six months later and my penis is two inches longer. I know size isn’t everything, but who doesn’t want to be bigger? Now, I’m having better sex than I ever thought possible and it’s all because of Male Extra.” – Don from Virginia

“I don’t like taking prescription drugs. I’m always the kinda guy that gravitates to natural supplements to improve my health. And I am pretty health, if I do say so myself. The one thing that was lacking for me was keeping my erection hard. My girlfriend is the best, so a lack of desire wasn’t the problem. I just needed a boost, if you will. My friend told me he was taking Male Extra, so I tried it. I like the natural ingredients and I’ve seen a big change in my erections. They’re so much harder and my girlfriend has taken notice. We’re both very pleased with Male Extra and I’d recommend it to any guy looking for male enhancement supplement.” – Brody from Oregon

“Male Extra saved our sex life. I love my husband, but I missed being with him. Now, he’s more confident than ever and our sex life is the proof. Thanks, Male Extra!” Janice from Illinois

How To Buy Male Extra, And When is it Shipped?

Getting Male Extra, is fairly easy. It’s a 1,2,3 process.

Step1: All you need to do is to click which offer you prefer (on MaleExtra official website).

Step2: Put in your exact address

Step3: Purchase (Don’t worry it’s free world wide shipping) so the price here is the only thing you’ll pay for.

When does Male Extra arrive?

You should expect to receive your order within 3 – 4 working days. You will be given a tracking number and your order will be shipped in plain discreet packaging.

A final word

It’s important to remember that Male Extra is a supplement. Always consult with your doctor if you have health concerns or are taking medications. However, Male Extra is generally considered safe. It’s also important to note that Male Extra take a few weeks to work and you must continue taking it daily to get the full sex life-enhancing benefits.

About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.

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