I was really shocked from vast amount of opinions on that issue. Yes, there is a way to be a fat gainer but there is also the body health status. It seems the health is neglected by many advisers on fat gain methods. The intention behind gaining fat is to have it in the right places to provide a sexy curvy look and provide great amount of energy to exercise and do all the strength training.
Being a fat gainer is not for the purpose to just gain fat. Keep in mind that the hazards of being too skinny can have adverse effect on your current health. You can find out if you are underweight using a simple calculation to determine your body mass index or (BMI). This can be easily done by dividing your weight (in kilograms/pounds) by your height (in centimeters/inches) hazards of being underweight include:
Common Complications of Being Underweight For A Long Period of Time
- Lowered Immune System
- Anemia
- Fertility Issues
- Osteoporosis and Broken Bones
- Depression
- Breast Cancer
This all emphasizes the understanding of gaining fat for the purpose to eliminate any health issue related to being underweight.
Table Of Contents
5 Foods Guaranteed To Make You Fat Gainer
Cheese can be a fattening food.It contains a large amount of fat and is hard to digest. (a deadly combination) Poor digestion causes weight gain! Fat has nine calories per gram, protein and carbohydrates have only four.The most fattening food in the world is considered to be cheese fries.

Processed meats (lunch meats, bacon, sausage, hot dogs) are high in calories, fat and sodium.

Whole Milk
4 Common Advised Tips By Dietitians For Gaining Fats
The Crash Diet: going on a crash diet for 2 days. Then, for two days after that you start eating as much high-calorie stuff as you can fit in your stomach; creamy milk shakes, fried chicken, pancakes with butter and syrup…that kind of stuff. Then, you simply repeat that cycle – 2 days dieting and 2 days stuffing yourself. Keep doing this 4-day cycle until you’ve gained your ideal weight. Usually for at least 30 days.
It works by throwing your body into “survivial mode” when you diet very hard for two days. Your body thinks it’s going to starve to death, so it responds by lowering its metabolic rate to compensate for the dramatic loss in calories. When you start eating tons of food on days 3 and 4, you’ll gain weight because your body is still in the low metabolism mode.

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Eating Buddy: It also helps to find an ‘Eating Buddy’, someone else who also wants to gain. You will eat more if other people are eating with you.
Increment By Increment: If eating lots of fattening food makes you feel nauseated, eat less of it. Gradually increase the the proportion of fattening food you eat until you can eat lots of it easily.