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Battle Ready Fuel Creatine – Worth It or Not?

Battle Ready Fuel is a new brand that emerged recently on the market. I found out about it through my gym buddies doing its Creatine.

So I thought to give it a try. It wasn’t damaging to the wallet.

Got it for $29 and had it shipped in a few days from their official website.


Look here is the deal, Creatine is one of the most well-researched supplement you can take to build muscle mass.

Here are a few pieces of research that I found useful to CONFIRM that Creatine Enhances Muscles & Performance:

I actually found over 90 researches confirming the fact that Creatine is the best juice for muscle making.

But wait.

Not every Creatine in the market worth the buy.

What about Battle Ready Fuel Creatine Brand?

Well, in this review, I will cover all the info you need.

This will give you the most reliable data you can base your decision on.

Battle Ready Fuel Creatine – Review

It’s always annoying when I see a product that is filled with junk fillers and terrible ingredients and marketed in the package.

What I like about this brand, they don’t have this Sh*t!

They are straightforward in their marketing and packaging. And give you the real deal.

When I buy Creatine, I look for Creatine Monohydrate and that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Creatine from Battle Ready Fuel gives me that.

Unlike other products on the market, they don’t add placebo ingredients, to make you feel better.

The Guy Behind Battle Ready Fuel

It’s interesting to see that, the founder is an ex-SAS member. I wasn’t really surprised. It’s obvious when I checked their website, they combined the most relevant stuff needed to get ripped and have massive gains.

Battle Ready Fuel Founder

This guy conducts corporate training and adventure events in true SAS style with his company, Break-Point.

Ollie joined the Royal Marines in 1990 and has conducted operations in Northern Ireland and Iraq, to name a few.

He has also stared in the Channel 4 show, SAS: Who Dares Wins.

Ollie has been there and he knows that for a perfect body, it is not only the physique that is needed.

Who Should Use Creatine?

If you are looking to get yourself to the next level, having high-quality creatine is a must.

It doesn’t matter which stage you are from gym enthusiast to a professional bodybuilder, you will need to use creatine in your daily intake.


Creatine Results & Side-effects

It’s the most powerful supplement on the market with affordable price. Since 1920s and studies on creatine never ceased. All studies confirmed it’s huge potential in aiding protein synthesis. Thus building more muscles FAST!

Ofcourse, there is a very well detailed mechanism that I will point out later in this article.

But to make it simple…

If you are training on a regular basis, having a proper nutrition & sleep properly, then Creatine is the best supplement to push you to the next level.

The ones who don’t know why they are not gaining muscles and blaming their bad genes are probably suffering from inefficient protein synthesis. 

Which, can easily be solved with Creatine.

Creatine is not for:

  • The ones thinking it’s a magic powder, you drink and become a hulk.
  • The ones who never go to the gym at all.
  • The ones not planning to be consistent for at least a month with their workouts.

Battle Ready Fuel Creatine Components

There is only one ingredient in this brand which is:

Creatine Monohydrate

That’s what you actually need, it also means without any ridiculous fillers compared to other products on the market, your body will metabolize it much faster, this means efficient protein synthesis.

Best timing to take Creatine is right after a workout.

All you need is 5 grams per day.

The more you delay taking creatine post-workouts, the less efficient it’ll become.

Timing is vital with Creatine.

Creatine According To Science:

Creatine is very unique in terms of how it functions in your body.

Your muscle cells are multinucleated. And it takes more than one Nuclei to control complex tasks in muscle fiber.

And without extra Nuclei, it’s impossible for your body to grow bigger muscles to handle complex tasks.

Nuclei muscle mass Creatine

Figure: A muscle fiber with nuclei shown in blue and satellite cell shown in red.These muscle nuclei sprouts from specialized cells around the muscle called satellite cells. So any increase in satellite cells means some of these cells could be “blossoming” into new nuclei.

Anabolic steroids have clearly shown to increase the number of satellite cells and muscle nuclei even without any strength training stimulus to facilitate the addition of nuclei.

But here is another much safer supplement that can help to increase satellite cells:

Creatine increases satellite cells in your muscle fibers during resistance training.

Secret: Combining Resistance Training With Creatine is The Best

Will Creatine Mess With Your Kidneys?

Well unlike other supplements on the market. Creatine is by far the safest supplement you can take with peace of mind.

It doesn’t impact your kidneys or any other organ in your body.

I was shocked when I found some bloggers discussing that there are side-effects to Creatine.

I honestly don’t know where do they get there info from!

All researches report on the safety of Creatine and here are a few:

To make things simple, Since Battle Ready Fuel is not adding any fillers to Creatine. Then it’s definite you will not deal with any issue.

Most Creatine products on the market use extra ingredients, just to make their packaging more appealing and smarter. But the reality is, any creatine with additives might yield to unnecessary side-effects.

Can Creatine Transform You?

Here is what to expect from Creatine…

A pure creatine monohydrate will get you a few pounds (kilos) of muscles in 3-4 weeks.

If you have been training for more than a year, you’ll see slower results from Creatine and might take you 4-6 weeks to see some results.

General Rule: Creatine will increase your muscle mass, no matter which body stage you are in.

Where To Buy Battle Ready Fuel Creatine?

This brand is focused on selling only on their official website.

Battle Ready Fuel Creatine Ingredients

They don’t offer their products in Wal-mart or Amazon. I think the idea is they want to distinguish themselves from the noise out there.

However, they offer Free Shipping & 100% Money Back Guarantee. So basically nothing to worry about.

My Conclusion on Battle Ready Fuel Creatine:

I love any brand that doesn’t give BS.

Battle Ready Fuel designed their creatine in the most efficient form. They avoided going after all the marketing hypes.

They are simply offering pure Creatine.

This gives me the option to stack this Creatine with other supplements without thinking too much about side-effects or terrible fillers.

Common Questions Asked on Battle Ready Fuel Creatine

How Much Does Battle Ready Fuel Creatine Cost?

It costs  £19.99 ($29) from their official website.

How To Take Battle Ready Fuel Creatine?

It’s recommended to take 5g per day and after workouts. It’s better to add it in a shake for maximum results.

Is Battle Ready Fuel Creatine Available on Amazon or Wal-mart?

The company only sells this product on their official website. And it can’t be found elsewhere.

Does Battle Ready Fuel Creatine Really Work?

Yes, it’s 100% Creatine monohydrate which is pure creatine that will get your muscles and performance pumped.

Is There Any Kind of Money Back Guarantee?

Battle Ready Fuel are offering 60 days money back guarantee without asking a single question. All you need to do, is send back the unused package to their address and you’ll get your refund instantly!

Do They Ship To My Country?

They cover most countries worldwide and they make sure to deliver the product without any address mistakes. You can check their website for more details.

About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.

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