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What Users Are Saying About SizeGenix (Versus Male Extra)

Sizegenix is one of the largely hyped penis enlargement pill found on the internet. For some reasons about 10,000 of users are looking for it in Google, Worldwide. This large number totally caught our attention, thus we decided to see if we can recommend this to our readers or not.

We first stumbled upon their Sizegenix amazon page and here are the reviews.

SizeGenix on amazon user reviews

SizeGenix on amazon reviews

The first Claim That Sounds Too Impossible To Be True,

“74.7% increase in testosterone in 12 days!”

This statement is hilarious and full of a fatal mistake, normal serum total testosterone levels vary from person to person over time, but in general men have much more than women. Typical ranges:

Male: 230-1000 ng/dL
Female: 28-80 ng/dL

So what is the world are you talking about in enhancing testosterone levels above 72%! This can lead to a pathological condition that we constantly advice bodybuilders not to go for. To cut it short, Testosterone overdose “which means increasing it to more than normal mentioned levels” leads to the following:

  • Changes in skin oiliness and adult acne
  • Issues with stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite
  • Breast enlargement (men)
  • Hair loss

And these are only minor side-effects, god knows what else are we dealing with, that if they really meant 74% increase in testosterone. Ofcourse we doubt it’s accurate, simply due to the ingredients found in SizeGenix. Their impact would not even come up to this claim or even close.

 The Second Major Problem With SizeGenix

Generally, as a normal user, we go and trust when previous users has to be say about the product. Unfortunately, SizeGenix abused the Amazon review system and most of the good reviews are actually fake. The good reviews will be glowing with high praise, recommending the products to their friends and family. Good reviews, in such products, never work this way. You never see someone putting their name and saying I had a small penis, now it became bigger and I should recommend it to Richard next door. These kind of reviews you would find in their amazon page! Ridiculous! Here is some real review from users on amazon.




SizeGenix is an odd company and product. The product might be a decent testosterone booster, and there’s no denying that you’ll notice a difference in your libido and performance in the bedroom but that is far from delivering lasting, long term size increases.

Thus, if you are really serious about having a long lasting results with safe male enhancement pills that works on long run without the fake buzz and bulls**t. After several user reviews submitted to us, we definitely recommend Male Extra. Here is a small comparison between SizeGenix and Male Extra.


Male eXtra

Male Extra Reviews Unboxed pictures



Mechanism of Action

Increases the nitric oxide levels in the blood resulting in vasodilation which means that more blood flows in the penis due to expansion/dilation of penile blood vessels.


Focus on enhancing the production of the sperm quality and count within the testes.


Increase in their erect penis size of between 0.8 – 2.6 inches over a 3 – 6 month period



It contains, Tribulus Terrestris, which can be found in the vast majority of testosterone boosters because it is extremely well known and consistently studied for its ability to increase natural testosterone production in men.

As a result, you get an improved erection

Side Effects

prosNone, all natural ingredients prosNone



prosFor whoever wants bigger, harder erections, more intense orgasms, and a huge boost to your stamina in the bedroom without side-effects.


prosAlthough both are formulated from safe and natural ingredients, you should always check with your doctor or health practitioner if you are currently taking any medication to see whether it is suitable for you.


prosStrong doses of L-arginine HCL and pomegranate 40% ellagic acid. Both are 100% natural. prosButea Superba

Tonkat Ali
Tribulus Terrestris

Doctor Endorsed

prosYes consNo

Money Back Guarantee

prosYes consNo

All natural

prosYes prosYes

Used long term

prosYes consNo

Clinically Proven

prosYes consNo


prosExpected Benefits to be seen after 2-3 weeks of usage. consNone, you might feel a bit energetic in first couple of days and that is it.

Premature Ejaculation Solution

prosYes consNo


prosNo Need prosNo Need

User Reviews

prosMany positive reports (Users used it for long run)

~Detailed MaleExtra User Reviews

consNegative reviews all over the internet, and even the good ones, were FAKE.


prosFree shipping worldwide in discreet package. cons10 USD, shipping worldwide


64.95 per bottle (one month) – 90 tablets 40 USD per bottle (one month)

Where To Buy

Official Website –


Male Extra Is Designed For Males Dealing With:

pointErectile dysfunction (male impotency)

pointPremature ejaculation

pointLoss of libido

pointReduced or compromised sexual performance

pointSexual anxiety or depression





About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.

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