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Is Shredz The Best Fat Burner For Women?

The fat burner Shredz was heavily promoted to many as the best fat burner for bodybuilding and helping women to burn their stubborn fats. One of the most interesting & eye-catching thing about Shredz that it’s a blend of ingredients looks interesting but too good to be true.

For that, we had to analyze many aspects to relive our concern regarding Shredz.

Shredz has been compared to many fat burners on the market. And it’s not doing badly compared to what is on the market. But really this seems very superficial and has no legitimate facts behind it.

And following articles like that might mislead the main intentions of the use of fat burners.

That’s why we decided to put certain criteria (that actually makes a fat burner work) and see if Shredz would pass it or not and by how much?

5 Critical Factors to consider before buying a fat burner (Shredz)

  1. Fat oxidation
  2. Appetite Suppression
  3. Metabolic Rate
  4. Actual User Ratings
  5. Customer Service/Shipping

1Fat Oxidation

The term ‘fat burning’ refers to the ability to oxidize (or burn) fat, and thus to use fat – instead of carbohydrate – as a fuel. Fat burning is often associated with weight loss, decreases in body fat and increases in lean body mass, all of which can be advantageous for an athlete.

That said, Shredz has nothing to offer in terms of fat oxidation. The only minor effect due to “caffeine” is included as part of the ingredient.

With the recent advancement in fat burners, this is considered a huge con for Shredz. (source)

The vast majority of nutrition supplements do not have the desired effects. Currently, the only highly effective supplements in fat oxidation were either Phen375 or PhenQ.

2Appetite Suppression

The manufacturers of Shredz added Cayenne Pepper Extract as a main ingredient to help with cut food craving.

This for us was a positive thing as Red cayenne pepper may help burn calories and curb appetite, especially in people who aren’t used to eating it.

The tricky part about Shredz it doesn’t provide the exact amount of Red Cayenne in the ingredients. Making it vague to judge on the actual effect of appetite suppression. However, out of 10 users, 4 reported appetite suppression from Shredz.

3Metabolic Rate

Green Tea Extract is supported by a good amount of solid research as a metabolic enhancer. It appears that catechins (Specifically, EGCG), which are a plant metabolite, are responsible for much of its fat-burning abilities.

Regardless of how important to boost metabolic rate, fat burning doesn’t 100% relay on metabolic enhancement (that’s why many supplements focus greatly on decreasing food intake).

During our check to Shredz ingredients, it has green tea as the caffeine source, synephrine HCL, Yohimbe, Cayenne, and some ALA. Ok. So like 5 of the 7 most common and generally accepted as effective fat burners right there.

However, equilibrium has not been taken into consideration leading to a gap in the overall effectiveness. So in the metabolic rate sector, Shredz performs well. But not in align with other mechanisms.

4Actual User Ratings of Shredz

This product has a great mixture of positive and negative here is a few:




5Customer Service/ Shipping

Here is also user experience with Shredz customer service and shipping and handling



Our Conclusion:

If you’re looking to drop fat

the best route is early morning, moderate intensity cardiovascular work.

By limiting your carbohydrate activity and forcing your body to use fat stores you encourage your body to burn fat more effectively.

However, Fat burners are around to enhance the whole process. We endorse PhenQ as it provides a legit fat burning results with great customer service.

Many testimonials have been said on PhenQ fat burning effect. Watch this video:

Feel Free to visit PhenQ official website

More User Testimonials With Pictures (Before and After)

However, take note that this pill is designed to take your body to the next level. If you have all pieces in place as mentioned above, then adding PhenQ fat burner will enhance your fat loss. You cannot lose weight or increase your metabolism in any significant way by just taking a pill. It’s not a magic supplement.

About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.

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