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Creatinine VS Creatine

Creatine Monohydrate and Creatinine: Muscle Growth Results!

It’s often a common question, and readers get confused by many different opinions on that matter.

Creatinine is the end product of Creatine Phosphate in your lean mass. This substance is produced by your body and its rate depends on how much muscle you have.

Creatinine and its clearance are the main measures of kidney function.

Creatine is an external substance that your body can’t produce. And it gives you lean mass and strength. I have written a very detailed review in a great article:  Creatine

Note: Creatine is considered one of the safest supplement for muscle gain. However, you need to be cautious on the dose you take per day. 5 grams per day is recommended. At this dose your kidney is safe.

What is the effect of creatine supplementation on creatinine levels as measured in blood tests?

When you get your blood test results with high creatinine levels, it doesn’t associate with your creatine consumption.

As I mentioned, Creatine and Creatinine are not the same thing.

But here is the thing…

When you are dealing with high creatinine levels in your blood, this means you have kidney problems.

And it’s advisable for people who have kidneys problems to not do Creatine and Must consult with a physician.

The normal range of Creatinine is 1.27.

If a slight increase in Creatinine identified up to 1.5 and you are doing heavy lifting, then it’s probably because of your lifting.

Remember that a by-product of the heavy lifting is creatinine which is created when creatine is broken down in the muscle to produce energy, what’s left is creatinine which is passed through the kidneys and excreted.
You’ll be dealing with slightly high creatinine levels with intense training and heavy lifting. If you are seeking accurate results on your Creatinine, you will need to stop any kind of workout for 7 days and take the blood test again.
If the Creatinine levels went back to normal, then your kidneys are fine and elevated blood Creatinine levels are due to heavy lifting.

For those who want to know more:

From the University of Maryland webpage Creatine

Creatine is a naturally-occurring amino acid (protein building block) that’s found in meat and fish, and also made by the human body in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. It is converted into creatine phosphate or phosphocreatine and stored in the muscles, where it is used for energy. During high-intensity, short-duration exercise, such as lifting weights or sprinting, phosphocreatine is converted into ATP, a major source of energy within the human body.

From Medical Definition of Creatinine

Creatinine: A chemical waste molecule that is generated from muscle metabolism. Creatinine is produced from creatine, a molecule of major importance for energy production in muscles. Approximately 2% of the body’s creatine is converted to creatinine every day. Creatinine is transported through the bloodstream to the kidneys. The kidneys filter out most of the creatinine and dispose of it in the urine.

From WebMD Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance

The blood creatinine level shows (rather: approximates) how well your kidneys are working. A high level may mean your kidneys are not working as they should. The amount of creatinine in the blood depends partly on the amount of muscle tissue you have. Men generally have higher creatinine levels than women.


A creatinine clearance test measures how well creatinine is removed from your blood by your kidneys. This test gives better information than a blood creatinine test on how well your kidneys are working. The test is done on both a blood sample and on a sample of urine collected over 24 hours.

About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.

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