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Phen375 Vs Oxyelite Pro (DMAA) – GNC User Reviews

It’s interesting to find people still searching for “Oxyelite pro reviews” due to its widespread reputation in weight loss.

Oxyelite pro proven to be one of the working diet pills on the market and for that reason it became viral and people never stopped searching for it.

Oxyelite pro was pulled from shelves nationwide after 29 liver failure cases in Hawaii. For that reason, it became hard to get after complete regulation of that product.

You can feel free to read detailed Oxyelite pro review after this comparison between Phen375 vs Oxyelite Pro.

Phen375 is taking the whole weight loss market by charm. It has proven to be the best fat burner in 2013 but can it be a good match for Oxyelite Pro?

Comparison between Phen375 vs Oxyelite Pro




Oxyelite Pro

Clinical StudiesPill_Clinical_Studies
  • Increase metabolic rate based on its thermogenisis effect leading to more energy.
  • Weight loss rate from 3-5 lbs per week.
  • Anti-depressant effect to avoid any depression during weight loss journey.
  • Appetite suppression; avoid food craving
  • Increase metabolic rate based on it’s thermogenisis effect leading to more energy.
  • Weight loss rate from 3-5 lbs per week.
  • Appetite suppression; avoid food craving
Side effects/DrawbacksPhentermine-37.5_side-effects 2014None; rare mild headaches Worst-fatburner-reviewsSevere Side effects

  • Temporarily erectile dysfunction
  • Affects menstrual cycle (delayed or missed)
  • Hot flashes and extensive amount of sweating.
Best Uses 2014Bodybuilding, Energy Boost, Maintaining weight, Weight loss 2014Bodybuilding, Energy Boost, Maintaining weight, Weight loss
Money Back GuaranteeMoneyBackGurantee 201430 days Worst-fatburner-reviewsNo
Appetite suppressant 2014High Worst-fatburner-reviewsLow
Anti-Depressant 2014Yes Worst-fatburner-reviewsNo
Weight Loss Effect 20143-5 lbs per week 20143-5 lbs per week
Reorder Rate 2014High Worst-fatburner-reviewsLow
AvailabilityPill_Availability 2014It can be purchased online from the official website Worst-fatburner-reviewsIt used to be at GNC stores now it got BANNED after the lawsuit
User Reviewstestimonials_&_user_reviews 2014Excellent Reviews Worst-fatburner-reviewsNegative Reviews “due to severe side effects”
Price Worst-fatburner-reviews65.99 201448.99
Order NowOrder-Pills-Now Official Website Get it on Amazon

 Oxyelite Pro Reviews “Scientific & User Based”

Oxyelite is one of the leading pills in boosting metabolism and increase fat burning of the body designed by USPlabs.

For that reason, it is called “thermogenic supplement”. In 2013, this supplement has been regulated by the market due to its severe side effects that might lead to liver failure in the long-term usage.

However, the customer never stopped talking about Oxyelite effectiveness and results.

Oxyelite Secret Ingredients

  1. Caffeine – of course it’s the main ingredient for any fat burner as it helps to boost in energy and increase the metabolic rate
  2. Bacopa Monnieri – plays a role to increase the thyroid hormone (T4) inducing weight loss
  3. Bahunia purpurea – It transfers T4 hormone to T3 for a fast fat burning process.
  4. Cirsium – to prevent fat gain

The huge problem that banned Oxyelite Pro from the states was DMAA ingredient. It’s a dietary supplement found in Oxyelite Pro similar to amphetamines and ephedrine.

FDA on DMAA (Found in Oxyelite Pro)

The FDA warns that DMAA is known to cause blood vessel constriction, which can elevate blood pressure and increase the risk of deadly heart attacks.

Lawsuits on Oxyelite Pro

November 18, 2013 – 56 cases of liver damage from OxyElite Pro have been reported in 13 states, including California, Ohio, and Hawaii. Click here to read more.

November 10, 2013 – USPLabs LLC has recalled OxyElite Pro. Click here to read more.

November 8, 2013 – The CDC has confirmed 56 cases of liver damage from OxyElite Pro. Most cases have been reported in Hawaii, but other cases have been confirmed on the mainland U.S. Click here to read more.

Oxyelite Pro Testimonials on GNC – (click to enlarge)

Before this product got removed from GNC official website we have managed to get random reviews on Oxyelite to understand its effect based on user reviews.

 USPLABs_Oxyelite_Pro_Gnc_Reviews USPLABs_Oxyelite_Pro_Gnc_testimonials USPLABs_Oxyelite_Pro_Gnc_testimonials2

Phen375 vs Oxyelite Pro – Bottom Line


It’s very obvious that Oxyelite benefits are not worth dealing with these horrible side effects.

Phen375 provides not just a suitable alternative but a new experience with great measurable results based on Phen375 user based reviews demonstrated in 2013.

However it’s advisable to check with your physician if you are currently on cardiac drugs or diabetic pills.

This comparison was made on unbiased facts to understand and help you make the right choice.

Although, I do recommend Phen375 as the best fat burner it’s up to you to compare and make more research to avoid falling with the wrong pill.

About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.

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