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Tengenix vs. Male Extra, Which one is is Better?

Tengenix is a male enhancement medicine, it is designed to help men unsatisfied with their penis size.

This product provides them relieve with its unique range of herb compounds that improve sexual health and performance.

This supplement aims to rejuvenate the male reproductive system.

This product has an excellent track record for male enhancement.

There is a scientific backing for its formulae which comes along with a money back guarantee.

There are many great things about this supplement however they are a bit expensive. The purpose of this product is to improve the size of user’s genitals.  Following, we are going to review this product.

Is Tengenix Effective?

It is made with a wide variety of herbs that improve the natural organic pathways responsible for controlling the male reproductive system.

It improves the physical erection of penis and supports sexual hormones. This can be achieved only by taking the product regularly.

Following, we are mentioning the different herbs used as the main ingredients of Tengenix. These are:

Vasodilators: This group of compounds relaxes the blood vessels, which lets the blood flow smoothly, and makes it easy to maintain an erection. These are Horny Goat Weed, L-Arginine, and Tongkat Ali.

Testosterone: This group of botanical supplements improves the production as well as maintenance of Testosterone. Testosterone is known as the main male sex hormone, and includes Muira Puana, and Tribulus Terrestris.

Libido Improvement: This group of supplements influences neurotransmitter in central nervous system which improves libido levels. It contains Maca Root, and Butea Superba.

All the ingredients used in this product are natural that should be taken as a healthy diet supplement, and should be paired with healthy habits. It needs to be taken with an empty stomach.

Tengenix increases the blood flow to penis which improves sexual stimulation.

It has an aphrodisiac in formula which directs blood flow to penis. The vasodilators in its formula by widening the blood vessels which lets the user to allow more receptive for sexual stimulus, this makes it easy to maintain an erection. This supplement plays a

Compared with Male Extra

Tengenix is quite new to the market, where Male Extra has established itself has a tried out and proven to be effective.

So does the product compete with each other at all?

If yes, then which is the better alternative? Both of these products aim to achieve similar results, however, they take a different approach for doing so.

Tengenix improves the sexual desire and blood flow to penis while Male Extra works on the overall health of user and even promises to increase their penis size.

This is something that the Tengenix never claimed to achieve, still it looks pretty promising.

So, if you money is on the line and you need to make a decision, which one you need to buy?


Male Extra

Male Extra

Mechanism of Action The Tengenix works by improving the sexual stimulation and blood flow to the penile arteries. It is designed to help the user maintain hard and longer erections without much effort. It improves the nitric oxide levels which lead to vasodilation.

This expands the penile blood vessels which allows for more blood flow in the penis.

Male Extra also improves the sperm quality and count while increasing the penis size from 0.8-2.4 inches with continuous 6 month use

Side Effects prosNone prosNone
Indications prosSufficient for users who want to maintain hard and long erections prosIdeal for people who want better erections with intense orgasms improving their stamina without any side effects
Contraindications prosNone prosNone
Ingredients prosL-arginine, Tongkat Ali, Horny Goat Weed, Maca Root and Tribulus Terresris prosL-arginine, HCL, and Pomegranate Ellagic Acid
Doctor Endorsements prosYes prosYes, widely
Money back Guaranty prosYes prosYes
All Natural prosYes prosYes
Long Term Use prosYes prosYes
Clinical Proven prosYes prosYes, with detailed trials
Premature Ejaculation Solution prosYes prosYes
Prescription prosNo Need prosNo Need
User Reviews consNeutral prosPositive (click here to get detailed maleExtra reviews)
Price $69.95 for 30 tablets $65 for 90 tablets
Where to Buy Sold in Major Medical Stores

Official Site


Benefits of Male Extra

This pill is designed to achieve the following for you:

Long and Strong Penis: This is the main benefit of using Male Extra, and sort of the reason why we are all here.

Improved Libido: You don’t want action all around the week? Don’t worry, we have the solution as most men suffer from loss of libido as they enter their thirties, and it only gets worse with assage of time. Male Extra has you covered here.

Sexual Health and Performance:  This means you get long lastic erections and you have better control over them.

Click Here To Visit Male Extra Official Website


The Tengenix is a great product considering all. It delivers what it promises but does it really hold a candle against Male Extra? Let’s get to the point!

Tengenix is designed as a natural male enhancement supplement that is designed to improve their sexual performance.

It achieves that by improving the production of sexual hormones and directing better blood flow to the genitals.  This is an effective strategy but Male Extra offers something better, and in an affordable package.

Male Extra achieves better performance with increase of nitric oxide.

This leads to better erections.

The results are guaranteed and there are many benefits of regular use. With this product, the user no longer suffers from erectile dysfunction as they are not depending on untested methods.

Male Extra is perfectly safe and it has no side effects.

It not only improves the sexual performance but the desire as well. The product also claims to increase penis size and there are positive user reviews to confirm that.

It is designed for men who suffer from erectile and sexual problems. There are certain situations where a man cannot achieve erection, let alone maintain it.

This is a rather embarrassing situation.

Male Extra helps you in these situations as it works as a growth pill and targets the basic of men’s health. It works to the core of penile cell and blood flow.

This pill only helps with performance issues. It is scientifically proven and safe for use.

About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.

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