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Penile Cancer | What It Is and Is Penile Cancer Curable?

Penile cancer is a disease that sends shivers down the spine. However, when it’s diagnosed on time; the unpleasant condition can be managed effectively. We should know that growths can form on the penis; the abnormality doesn’t make the growth cancerous.

So, a penile cancer lump grows as malignant cells on the penile skin and spreads to the internal tissues. Malignant cells begin to spread when they grow without control and proportion. There’s a difference between benign and malignant cells.

The reviews for Virectin shows that consumers are using sexual enhancement pills to regenerate weak cells of penile tissues and increase blood circulation. The regular use of the penis can result in muscle tear, and sexually transmitted diseases can spread as penile cancer.

However, penile cancer may be rare; but treatment plans are available for victims. Early stages of penile cancer diagnosis expose victims to the options for treatment.

It is instructive to know that allergic reactions may not be the signs of penile cancer. Instead, an allergic reaction or an infection must be shown to a doctor for a proper diagnosis. Avoid self-medication and prevent the risk of escalating the symptoms to life-threatening diseases.

What are the first signs of penile cancer?

Many clinical studies have shown that uncircumcised males have a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections than circumcised males. You might be wondering; how does penile cancer look like? They appear like warts and skin irritation on the on the glans of the penis.

More so, they can spread to the foreskin and shaft if the penis is always damp. Moisture increases the spread of penile cancer that appears as lesions. So, sexual partners need to avoid unsafe practices before and during sex.

Penile cancer causes

Medical science has not been able to pinpoint the exact cause of penile cancer. The disease is prevalent amongst uncircumcised men because their foreskins easily retain infected body fluids. Penile cancer HPV (human papillomavirus) is the condition where strains of sexually transmitted viruses increase the risk of malignant cells.

The practice of unsafe sex and poor immune system are the cause of sexually transmitted diseases. Lifestyle and hygiene levels can affect the body’s immune system. So, a victim of the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is likely to develop penile cancer.

Penile cancer staging: Is Penile cancer life-threatening?

There are five stages of penile cancer; starting from stage zero that’s known ass ‘carcinoma in situ.’ Penile cancer spreads from tissues to lymph nodes between the stage two and stage four (the last). However, penile cancer is restricted to the penis between stage one and two.

The initial signs of penile cancer start from itchy lesions, a sore, and redness of the penis. Before the development of lumps and crusty bumps; penile cancer victims will experience swollen glans at the tip of the organ.

Is penile cancer curable?

It is advisable to consult your doctor when you notice symptoms of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like human papillomavirus.

At any stage of penile cancer, the treatment plan targets the removal of the malignancy. The early diagnosis and treatment seek to stop the spread of malignant cells. However, before the removal of these cells; there has to be a biopsy of penile lesions to confirm their status.

A biopsy is the extraction of cancerous tissues or cells or tissues for a pathologist to study under a high-powered microscope.

What is the survival rate of penile cancer?

At stage two of penile cancer, the survival rate is not more than 85 percent. Whereas, between stage two and four; the survival rate is 60 percent.

How fast does penile cancer spread?

The growth of cancerous cells can spread to other organs of the body and cause them to malfunction. While preserving the skin of the penis, the malignant areas (damaged by cancerous cells) will be removed to prevent a further spread.

How common is penile cancer?

There are different types of cells in penile tissues. So, it’s normal to find several forms of penile developing from these cells. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common in uncircumcised men, and it covers over 90 percent of their foreskin. The verrucous carcinoma condition is a form of penile cancer that’s also called the Buschke-Lowenstein tumor. Penile cancer prevention starts by avoiding infected bodily fluid, having protected sexual intercourse and maintaining proper hygiene.

Carcinoma in situ (CIS) is another form of penile cancer that spreads from the shaft of the penis. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that occurs because of over-exposure to harmful radiations from sunlight. However, only a little percentage of penile cancers is caused by melanoma. Sarcoma, Basal cell carcinoma, and Paget disease of the penis (that’s also called Adenocarcinoma) are other types of penile cancers.

Prognosis of Penile Cancer:

Penile cancer is curable and life-threatening (especially) when it’s being diagnosed at the latest stage.

There are some low-risk strains of HPV; HPV 11 and 6 that can induce penile cancers. However, a weakened immune system puts the victim of HPV virus at high-risk penile cancer. Strains like HPV 16 and 18 are suppressible, but the untimely diagnosis will cause penile cancer to spread to other vital organs of the body.

Like the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), there is no cure for HPV. Genital warts can disappear from your penis even when the infection remains in the bloodstream. The continuous presence of HPV strains exposes the victim to penile cancer.


Male enhancement supplements are used by men that desire more pleasure. However, the cravings for sexual pleasure can lead to sexually transmitted diseases. Sexual enhancement drugs like sick pills don’t protect men from contracting penile cancer. Before engaging in sex; it’s ideal to increase your awareness of STIs and STDs.

According to online reviews on the use of penis enlargement pills; over 80 percent of men are eager to test a new sexual enhancement drug after consumption. Penile tissue protection, extra sexual stamina, lasting erections, increase in libido and a bigger penis are some benefits of male enhancement supplements.

About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.

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