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Lose Weight And Feel Better: Quit Making Excuses For A Physically Inactive Lifestyle

Sound familiar?

  • If I exercise, I won’t have enough energy to do more important things.
  • I get enough exercise at my job.
  • There is no time.
  • Exercise is hard, boring, uneventful, etc.
  • Working out does not work for me.
  • I am too old to lift weights.
  • I plan to start exercising when…

There are many excuses used by individuals less inclined to workout properly.

Many people have developed misguided notions that incorporating regular exercise into their daily lives is more burdensome than productive.

No Good Excuse Not To Exercise

To set the record straight, a well-designed training regimen customized to meet obtainable goals works magnificently for most people. Furthermore, sensible exercise has the ability to make life less burdensome for those motivated enough to stick with a program.

Health and wellness conditioning should be viewed more as a lifestyle and not as a laborious undertaking best suited to athletic enthusiasts.

People less motivated to train could greatly benefit from participating in a sound exercise and nutritional program. It does not take Herculean efforts to begin the process of improving health.

It takes only the first step which is as simple as tuning into news events related to fitness. Occasionally watching televised shows like The Biggest Loser might also be helpful and inspirational.

Motivated To Become Healthy And Fit

Below is a true depiction of a real person called JC whose friends and family had written her off as least likely to take the initiative to improve anything—especially her health:

JC is a shy, quiet, unassuming female baby boomer.

Her gentle demeanor and soft-spoken voice make it difficult to hear what she’s saying without asking her to repeat. Over the years, JC had grown weaker and spent long periods ailing bedridden.

She suffered from blackout-variety migraines and much of her time was spent in darkness and tears from severe pain.

She was also a chronic sufferer of other ailments that compounded the misery and hopelessness that developed in her life.

To worsen matters, JC practically stopped participating in the activities she loved most—especially her ministerial work.

Friendships waned because she was nearly always sick and whiny. She often thought of checking herself into a hospital, but without medical insurance visits to an infirmary become quite expensive.

Desperate to feel better, JC fell near rock bottom regarding her health outlook.

The First Step Toward Getting Fit

Through a chain of unrelated events, JC detoured and stumbled onto personal training. She was unfamiliar with what trainers did and had no expectations.

JC simply wanted to get some of her life back and was willing to try just about anything. Not once before meeting a fitness trainer had she affiliated the value of exercise to achieving good health.

JC claims that after one session she felt different. In her words, “she felt much better.” As she continued training 3 times weekly for 20 – 60 minutes, JC became stronger, more confident and hopeful.

During her sixth month of training, she spoke of feeling younger both mentally and physically while dropping 27 pounds (163 lbs. to 136 lbs.) and shifting her body mass index (BMI) from 28.9 to 24.1. Her self-image skyrocketed because she began feeling in control of her life.

After ten months of training, JC reached her initial goals.

She now participates in her favorite activities with energy to spare. Doctors have reduced some medications and completely eliminated others including the expensive prescription drugs used to ease her migraine pain.

Although she still gets an occasional headache, she asserts the pain is much less severe and debilitating. According to JC, exercise made her more aware of her body’s capabilities and limitations.

Fitness Changes Lives

JC works hard and eats balanced meals five or six times daily. As a result, her rapid results prompt friends, family and occasional strangers to ask how she did it?

Although acquiring better health was and still is her main goal, she has become the center of attention among those she associates with. JC says her favorite comments are, “You look like a teenager” and “I want to look like you.”

Currently, JC (in her eleventh month) continues to exercise regularly, weighs 111 pounds and has a normal BMI reading of 19.7 on her shapely 5′ 3″ frame. Fitness has become a lifestyle for JC and has led her to inquire about becoming a personal trainer so that she might positively affect others.

What’s your story? Still making excuses to avoid exercise because you don’t think it works for you? Don’t tell that to JC!

About the author

Adam is a writer, healthcare professional, and he is always active in sharing recent case studies and breaking the mental and physical limits. He dedicated his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, out of shape, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls - helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies.

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